The Advanced Spine & Pain Group

Physical Therapy

Build strenght and reduce pain

Chronic pain patients often fall into a cycle of avoiding physical activity, leading to an unhealthy lifestyle that decreases strength, endurance, range of motion, and confidence. This increases susceptibility to injury and hinders the healing process, perpetuating the cycle.

Some individuals with persistent pain may feel anxious about exercising due to past experiences of pain or concerns about exacerbating their condition. With guidance and support from your doctor and healthcare professionals like physiotherapists, you can develop a tailored exercise program that suits your needs. As you gradually build strength, your pain levels can decrease.

It’s crucial to avoid overexertion, especially on days when you feel good, as this could worsen pain the following day. If you experience a flare-up after exercise, it may indicate that you’ve increased your activity level too rapidly or that a specific exercise isn’t suitable for you at the moment.

When starting an exercise program after a period of inactivity, it’s normal to experience muscle soreness as unused muscles are reactivated. This discomfort is normal and temporary. Learning to differentiate between a “flare-up” and typical muscle soreness is essential for managing your exercise routine effectively.

Seeing a physiotherapist

At Advanced Spine & Pain, our physiotherapist collaborates within a multidisciplinary team to ensure optimal care. This approach integrates expertise from pain medicine specialists and psychologists into the physiotherapy management plan.

Self Management

Empowering self-management of chronic pain
Physiotherapy interventions for chronic pain aim to empower individuals in managing their conditions. This person-centred approach includes educating patients on pain science, neuroplasticity, lifestyle adjustments, and enhancing function and independence. It involves a collaborative partnership with clients, utilizing various settings such as community, hospital, or residential care, and offering individual consultations or group education classes. Physiotherapists trained in pain management techniques take a holistic approach, considering the biopsychosocial factors influencing the patient’s condition.

Take the next step to managing your pain, get in touch today.

Get in touch with our caring and understanding team to understand how we can assist you.